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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - further


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~1 adv 1 »MORE« if you do something further you do it more, or to a greater degree  (I will develop this point further next week. | Things were further complicated by the fact that she did not speak Spanish.) + into/away etc  (Marcus sank further into debt.) delay/detain sth/sb further (=make you wait)  (After we've finished this I won't detain you any further.) 2 »DISTANCE« especially BrE used to say that a place is a long way from or more distant than another place; farther  (I don't think I can move a step further.) + up/away/along etc  (A little further up Main Street is an old house that's being restored.)  (- see farther1) 3 take sth further to do something at a more serious or higher level, especially by talking about it  (Would you be willing to take this research further? | take the matter further (=discuss a subject at a higher level and with more important people))  (I'm going to take the matter further and discuss this with your parents.) 4 »TIME« further back/on/ahead etc used to say how much more distant something is in the past or future  (Five years further on, a cure has still not been found. | The records don't go any further back than 1960. | further down the road (=in the future))  (Further down the road we're looking at using up our timber resources.) 5 go (one step) further to do or say more than before  (Some argued that we should go one step further and get rid of him altogether.) 6 »IN ADDITION« sentence adverb formal used to introduce something additional that you want to talk about; furthermore  (He promised not to identify his informant, and further, not to quote him directly.) 7 further to formal used in letters or in formal speech to mention a previous subject you want to discuss more  (Further to your letter of February 5th, we can confirm your order.) 8 nothing can be further from the truth used when you want to say that something is totally untrue 9 sth must not go any further used to say that something you are telling someone is secret or private 10 nothing is further from sb's mind spoken used to say that you have not been thinking about something, especially when you really have been thinking about it  ("Did you come here to see Peter?" "No, nothing could be further from my mind!") ~2 adj only before noun 1 more or additional  (Are there any further questions? | a further 10 miles/5 minutes/-500 etc)  (Cook gently for a further ten minutes.) 2 until further notice until you are told that something has changed  (Lacunza ordered the suspension of the elections until further notice.) ~3 v to help something succeed or become successful  (He dedicated his life to furthering the cause of world peace. | further sb's career)  (Alan had been using her to further his career.)
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  (furthers, furthering, furthered) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Further' is a comparative form of 'far'. It is also a verb. 1. Further means to a greater extent or degree. Inflation is below 5% and set to fall further... The rebellion is expected to further damage the country’s image... The government’s economic policies have further depressed living standards. ADV: ADV with v 2. If you go or get further with something, or take something further, you make some progress. They lacked the scientific personnel to develop the technical apparatus much further. ADV: ADV with v 3. If someone goes further in a discussion, they make a more extreme statement or deal with a point more thoroughly. On February 7th the Post went further, claiming that Mr Wood had grabbed and kissed another 13 women... To have a better comparison, we need to go further and address such issues as repairs and insurance. ADV: ADV after v 4. A further thing, number of things, or amount of something is an additional thing, number of things, or amount. His speech provides further evidence of his increasingly authoritarian approach... There was nothing further to be done for this man. = more ADJ: ADJ n, pron-indef ADJ 5. Further means a greater distance than before or than something else. Now we live further away from the city centre... He came to a halt at a crossroads fifty yards further on... Further to the south are some of the island’s loveliest unspoilt coves. ADV: ADV adv/prep 6. Further is used in expressions such as ‘further back’ and ‘further ahead’ to refer to a point in time that is earlier or later than the time you are talking about. Looking still further ahead, by the end of the next century world population is expected to be about ten billion. ADV: ADV adv/prep 7. If you further something, you help it to progress, to be successful, or to be achieved. Education needn’t only be about furthering your career. VERB: V n 8. You use...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English furthor (akin to Old High German furthar ~), comparative, from the base of Old English forth forth  Date: before 12th century  1. farther 1 my ponies are tired, and I have ~ to go — Thomas Hardy  2. in addition ; moreover  3. to a greater degree or extent ~ annoyed by a second intrusion  Usage: see farther  II. transitive verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: before 12th century to help forward ; promote  Synonyms: see advance  • ~er noun  III. adjective  Date: 13th century  1. farther 1 rode…across the valley and up the ~ slopes — T. E. Lawrence  2. going or extending beyond ; additional ~ volumes ~ education  Usage: see farther ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adv., adj., & v. --adv. (also farther esp. with ref. to physical distance) 1 to or at a more advanced point in space or time (unsafe to proceed further). 2 at a greater distance (nothing was further from his thoughts). 3 to a greater extent, more (will enquire further). 4 in addition; furthermore (I may add further). --adj. (also farther) 1 more distant or advanced (on the further side). 2 more, additional, going beyond what exists or has been dealt with (threats of further punishment). --v.tr. promote, favour, help on (a scheme, undertaking, movement, or cause). Phrases and idioms further education Brit. education for persons above school age but usu. below degree level. further to formal following on from (esp. an earlier letter etc.). till further notice (or orders) to continue until explicitly changed. Derivatives furtherer n. furthermost adj. Etymology: OE furthor (adv.), furthra (adj.), fyrthrian (v.), formed as FORTH, -ER(3) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) более отдаленный 2) далее 3) дальнейший 4) дальше 5) дополнительный 6) затем 7) кроме того 8) содействовать 9) способствовать push further analogy — продолжать аналогию until further advised — впредь до особых указаний until further notice — впредь до дальнейшего уведомления without further mention — (условимся) раз навсегда ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  гл. 1) содействовать, способствовать 2) продвигать • - carry further - further evidence - further information - further inquiry - further processing - further to - process further ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. более отдаленный, дальний the further end of the village —- дальний конец деревни on the further side of the river —- на другой стороне реки 2. дальнейший, позднейший until further notice —- впредь до дальнейшего уведомления further improvement —- дальнейшее улучшение further education —- дальнейшее образование (на курсах повышения квалификации; дневное и вечернее) 3. дополнительный, добавочный further evidence —- юр. новые доказательства to obtain further information —- получить дополнительные сведения let's have no further talk and delay —- давайте покончим с излишними разговорами и задержками 4. дальше, далее unsafe to proceed further —- дальше продвигаться опасно as far as this but no further —- до сих пор и не дальше to inquire further —- продолжать расспросы 5. кроме того; затем let me further tell you —- разрешите мне добавить Id: further to —- канц. в дополнение Id: further our letter of February 5 —- в дополнение к нашему письму от 5 февраля Id: I'll see you further first! —- как бы не так!; еще чего захотел!; и не подумаю (этого сделать)! 6. продвигать; содействовать; способствовать to further plans —- содействовать осуществлению планов to further hopes —- способствовать осуществлению надежд to further the cause of peace —- бороться за дело мира ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) comp. of far  1.  2) более отдаленный  3) дальнейший; добавочный further education - дальнейшее образование (исключая университетское) to obtain further information - получить дополнительные сведения - till further notice  2. adv.  1) comp. of far  2.  2) дальше; далее  3) затем; кроме того; более того to inquire further - расспросить подробнее let me further tell you - разрешите мне добавить Ill see you further first - держи карман шире!, и не подумаю!, вот еще!  3. v. продвигать; содействовать, способствовать to further hopes - поддерживать надежды Syn: advance, contribute, implement Ant: delay, hinder, prevent, side-track ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. furрor (adv.), furрra (adj.), (ge)fyrрan (v.) "further, impel;" originally comparative of furрum (see forth), senses of "in addition, to a greater extent" are later metaphoric developments. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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